May 2023 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting

Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held at The Cabin, Blackmoor Farm, Doddington at 7pm on Monday 22nd May 2023

Present: Cllr. E Mathers (Chair), Cllr. S Whiles (Vice Chair), Cllrs. G Beale, M Cox and M Cunniffe

Clerk: S Aikman

Also Present: Cllr Richard Johnstone (NKDC), Cllr Chris Goldson (NKDC), Cllr Alan Briggs (LCC) and 1 member of the public

The Clerk opened the meeting and confirmed that the following Councillors had been re-elected: Cllrs G Beale, M Cox and M Cunniffe.  Councillors completed the Acceptance of Office forms, the Register of Interests forms and the Election expenses forms.  No Councillors claimed expenses for the elections and forms were completed with a nil expenses claim.

The Clerk and Parish Council thanked Glynn Patrick for his input and work for the Parish Council over several years.

1.    Election of Chair and to receive Declaration of Acceptance of Office

No current councillors were wishing to take on the role of Chair or Vice-Chair.  Following a vote it was unanimously resolved to take item 8 from the agenda at this time to enable co-option to the Parish Council.

Two applications for co-option had been received.  Following a vote it was unanimously resolved that Sandra Whiles and Emily Mathers were co-opted onto the Council.

Following a vote it was unanimously resolved that Cllr E Mathers be elected Chair of the Council.  Cllr Mathers signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office. 

2.    Election of Vice-Chair and to receive Declaration of Acceptance of Office

Following a vote it was unanimously resolved that Cllr Whiles be elected Vice Chair of the Council.  Cllr Whiles signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

3.    To receive any apologies for absence.

None received. 

4.    To resolve to suspend the meeting and hold a public forum.

Following a vote it was unanimously resolved to suspend the meeting and hold a public forum.

It was noted that the hedge on Newell’s Corner was in need of pruning and would be reported.

A response was awaited from LCC Highways in relation to an email sent in February regarding proposals for solutions to traffic issues.

Cllrs Johnstone, Goldson and Briggs introduced themselves.

Cllr Goldson stated that it was imperative that local parishes worked together on common issues.

Cllr Johnstone suggested that the Parish Council held a joint meeting with Eagle and North Scarle Parish Councils. Glynn Patrick would also be interested in attending.

Cllr Briggs would look at the HGV weight limit through the parish.

The Council meeting continued following the end of the Public Forum.

5.    To receive any declarations of interest

In accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and consider any requests for dispensation in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or any other interests as outlined in the Council’s Code of Conduct.


6.    To confirm that the Parish Council no longer meets the requirements of the Parish Council’s (General Power of Competence) (Prescribed Conditions) Order 2012 (SI21012/965)

Confirmed due to the number of Parish Councillors that stood for election.

7.    To receive and approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting 3rd April 2023 previously circulated to members and published in draft to the website as required under the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities.

Following a vote it was resolved unanimously that the minutes from 3rd April 2023 were an accurate record of the meeting. 

8.    To consider co-option to the Parish Council

Item was taken under item 1.

9.    Finance

a.    To formally note Items of Income







b.    To formally approve items of Expenditure since last meeting and

c.    To formally approve items of Expenditure:

Following a vote it was unanimously resolved to approve the following payments 

Payment ref








Street lights electricity

 £             24.21



TJ Bookkeeping


 £             60.00



S Aikman


 £           314.58





 £             27.97





 £             68.80




Anti-virus renewal

 £             53.47

d.    Bank reconciliation for the year to date was approved unanimously

e.    To review spend against budget


f.    To receive the Internal Auditor’s report

The Internal Auditor had sent the following report:

To the Chairman of Doddington & Whisby Parish Council.

I have examined council business including policies, agendas & minutes, accounting and financial statements and other documents relevant to this audit. 

Several areas were identified where action was required in the immediate future other actions are offered as suggestions for improvement or considered to be best practice. I have discussed these with the Clerk, see below.

Council management and activity.

•    HR committee to be appointed as soon as possible, as the committee line manage the Clerk, along with a Terms of Reference for the Committee. 
•    Recommendations following the recent elections, would be for all Councillors to take advantage of training available from LALC. 


After talking with the Clerk Sue, most of the Councils policies have been reviewed.

After discussions with the Clerk regarding location of the meetings, it was noted that future parish council meetings could be held at Doddington Hall. As per ‘Arnold Baker – Local Council Administration’ It quotes “It is generally inappropriate for a local council to meet in a room in a private house. The room may be of inadequate size and compliant with rules or good practice relating to health & safety, public liability, disabled access, and facilities for the press. It also may give the impression that the local council is a private body”. 

Email addresses – Councillors are reminded that it is considered Best Practice to operate ‘. email accounts, it is noted that they are in place but not being used. Ensure GDPR regulations are being adhered to if viewing emails via private or personal accounts or electronic devices. 

The AGAR for 2022/2023 has been signed off.

Thanks were passed onto the Clerk.

g.    To review the effectiveness of the system of internal control and consider the findings prior to completing the Annual Governance Statement on the Annual Return for 2022/23.

All items were reviewed, and the Annual Governance Statement was completed.

h.    To approve the Annual governance statement on the Annual Return for 2022/23.

Following a vote it was unanimously resolved to approve the Annual Governance Statement.

i.    To consider the Accounting Statements by the members meeting as a whole

The Accounting statements were considered.

j.    To approve the Accounting Statements for 2022/23 on the Annual Return.

Following a vote it was unanimously resolved to approve the accounting statements and end of year bank reconciliation for 2022/23.

k.    Accounting Statements to be signed and dated by the Chair

The Accounting Statements were signed and dated by the Chair.

l.    To confirm that the Parish Council meets the exemption criteria for external audit and to complete the exemption certificate.

Confirmed and completed

10.    Planning

a.    Applications Received


Cedar - Trim lower branches and lift canopy

Doddington Hall, Hall Yard, Doddington

No comments

b.    Applications Decided


Erection of gates to existing vehicular access to existing dwelling

Winston, Whisby Road, Whisby Moor


11.    To receive any updates on the unilateral undertaking to secure the £40K against traffic calming measures in the parish of Doddington.

The agreement had been signed by the previous Chair of the Parish Council and by Doddington Hall.  The Parish Council was awaiting a response from NKDC.

12.    To review the Parish Council Standing Orders.

Deferred until a future meeting.

13.    To review the Parish Council Financial Regulations.

Deferred until a future meeting.

14.    Clerk and Councillors Reports (for information only), including a review of actions from minutes and matters that Councillors wish to be brought to the next or subsequent meetings.

No decisions may be made under this section, but councillors may wish to use this to flag up issues.


15.    Correspondence

All correspondence received had been dealt with under agenda items.

16.    Date of next meeting 

Parish Council meeting 7.30pm Monday 3rd July 2023 at Doddington Hall

Meeting closed at 9.40pm